Alright, let’s talk about this thing. I ain’t no fancy computer person, ya know? Just an old woman trying to make sense of this here gizmo. But I figured some things out, and I’m gonna tell ya ’bout it, plain and simple like.
So, this , it’s like a little snoop, a peeper, for your computer windows. You got all sorts of stuff open on your screen, right? This thing, it lets you see what’s what. Like, if you move your mouse around, this spy thing, it shows you all sorts of numbers and words ’bout that window.

What’s it for, you ask? Well, it’s part of somethin’ called AutoHotkey. Sounds fancy, huh? But it’s just a way to make your computer do things automatically. Like, if you always gotta click the same buttons, this AutoHotkey thing can do it for ya. And this , it helps you tell AutoHotkey which window to mess with.
- It shows you the window’s name, they call it a “title”.
- It shows you the window’s “class”, whatever that means.
- It even shows you some numbers, like where the window is on the screen.
Now, they say you mostly wanna use that “ahk_exe” or “ahk_class” thing. Sounds like gibberish, I know. But think of it like this: each window has a name, right? That’s the title. But sometimes, lots of windows have the same name. So, you need somethin’ else to tell ’em apart. That’s where the “exe” and “class” come in. The “exe” is like the family name of the program that made the window, and the “class” is like what kind of window it is. Like, is it a button, a list, or the whole darn window itself?
This here , it ain’t new. Seems like they had one before, for an older version of AutoHotkey. This one’s for the new version, they call it AutoHotkey v2. It’s like they took the old snoop and made him a bit smarter, I guess.
They also say this spy thing stops updating when you click on it. Makes sense, I reckon. If you’re lookin’ at the spy, you ain’t lookin’ at other windows, right? So, it just freezes, and you can look at all them numbers and words without ’em changing all the time.
Some folks say it’s got a bad name, this “spy” thing. But they also say it’s real useful. And I gotta agree. If you’re tryin’ to tell your computer to do things automatically, you gotta know which window you’re talkin’ to. And this , it helps you do just that.
And get this, every window or button or whatever on your screen, it’s got its own special number, they call it an “ID”. This can show you that number too. So, if you really wanna be sure you’re talkin’ to the right thing, you can use that number. It’s like the window’s social security number, I guess.
So, there you have it. This , it’s a tool to help you see all sorts of stuff about your computer windows. It’s part of that AutoHotkey thing, and it helps you tell your computer what to do. Ain’t so complicated once you break it down, right? Just a little snoop, helpin’ you out.
One more thing: If you ain’t used AutoHotkey before, don’t go messin’ around with this spy thing unless you know what you’re doin’. You could mess somethin’ up, and then you’ll be in a pickle. But if you’re tryin’ to learn about AutoHotkey, this is a mighty handy tool to have around.

Tags: [WindowSpy, AutoHotkey, AHK, Utility, Windows, Scripting, Automation]