Well, let me tell ya, this here computer thing, it ain’t as easy as pie. But I figured out how to find music from movies. You know, like when you hear a good tune in them picture shows, and you just gotta know what it is. It used to be a real head-scratcher, I tell ya!
First off, you gotta know where that song is comin’ from. Which movie is it? You can’t just go lookin’ for any old song, you gotta know which picture show it’s in. Makes sense, right? Like tryin’ to find a needle in a haystack if you don’t know which haystack to look in! It’s just common sense to know where the song is first so you can find music from movies easier, you know?

Nowadays, they got these fancy gadgets. Back in my day, we didn’t have none of that! But these young folks, they got it easy. They use this thing called “Shazam.” It’s like magic, I swear. You just hold your phone up to the TV when the song is playin’, and this Shazam thingamajig tells you what it is. Can you believe that? They make it so easy to find music from movies!
- Hold your phone up to the movie.
- Let that Shazam thing listen.
- Boom! It tells ya the song!
Now, if you’re like me, and you ain’t got one of them fancy phones, there’s other ways. You can go on the internet, on that big computer. They got these websites that can help ya. I can’t recall the names, but just ask a kid they’ll know, or just put “find music from movies” on the searching bar, they will teach you. They’re called something like “music recognition tools.” Sounds fancy, huh? But it’s just a way to find music from movies, really, nothing too hard.
These internet thingamajigs, they’re kinda like that Shazam thing, but you type in stuff instead of holdin’ up your phone. You can type in words from the song, if you can remember any. Or you can tell it what movie it’s from, and what part of the movie. It’s a bit more work, but it gets the job done. It’s still the easiest way to find music from movies.
Sometimes, they got the list of songs right there on the computer, for the movie. They call it a “soundtrack.” Like a track for the sound, get it? So you can look up the movie’s soundtrack, and see all the songs that are in it. That’s a good way to find music from movies, just look at the soundtrack list.
Now, I heard some folks say you can just take the sound outta the movie. They call it “extracting.” Like pullin’ a tooth, I reckon. You can take the sound out and then use one of them music finder things on it. Sounds complicated to me, but I guess it works if you wanna find music from movies.
There’s three steps to this “extracting” thing:
- First, you gotta pick the movie file. Like pickin’ which apple you want from the basket.
- Then, you gotta drag it into this other thing, like draggin’ a cow to the barn.
- And then, you click a button that says “Extract Audio.” Sounds like pullin’ teeth to me!
There is another way, but I don’t really understand. They said something like, “you need someone to represent your song,” like those lawyer things, I think. And this someone has connection, and can get your song to, what is it, “music supervisors.” They are some big guys in the movie, I think. They can put your song in the movie. It seems a very hard job to do. I don’t think normal people like me can do it. But, maybe it’s a way to find music from movies, who knows?
So, there you have it. It ain’t as hard as it used to be to find music from movies. These young folks and their gadgets, they made it pretty simple. But even if you’re a bit old-fashioned like me, you can still figure it out. Just gotta use that computer thing and those internet magic, then you can find music from movies easily. Just remember to put “find music from movies” on the searching bar, it really helps a lot. Ain’t nobody got time to waste, so just use it!

Back in my day, we had to listen real close and write down the words. And then you had to ask around, see if anyone knew the song. Sometimes you’d find someone who knew, sometimes you wouldn’t. It was a real gamble! But it was kinda fun, too, in a way. Made ya appreciate the music more, I reckon. Now it’s so easy to find music from movies, a kid can do it.
But hey, that’s progress for ya. Can’t stop the world from turnin’, can ya? Just gotta learn to roll with the punches, as they say. And if that means using a computer to find music from movies, then so be it. As long as you can find that good tune you heard, that’s all that matters, right? So just remember, no matter how old you are, you can always learn something new, even the old dog can learn new tricks! Now, go on and find those songs! You can do it!