Well, let me tell ya, this whole Snapchat thing, it’s a bit of a head-scratcher for me. My grandkids, they’re always on it, snappin’ this and snappin’ that. They talk about this thing called a “Snap Score.” Sounds kinda silly if ya ask me, but it’s important to them, so I try to keep up. They told me that my Snap score would go up by sending Snaps. I don’t know what that means.
Now, I hear ’em talkin’ about these “group chats.” Sounds like a bunch of folks all talkin’ at once. Like when my sister comes over and we have a good long yap. But this is on the phone, I guess. You know the young ones are always doing the group chats. I think it’s the Snapchat group chats.

So, I asked my granddaughter, “Does Snap Score go up from group chats?” She’s a smart cookie, that one. She says, “Grandma, not just for chats, but it does!” I don’t know what that mean! I thought maybe, just maybe, this Snap Score thing goes up when you’re in these group chats. I think you get some points. They are always doing the group chats and I think that’s how they get the Snapchat points.
But then she said it didn’t matter if it was a group chat or not. Each snap you send is worth one point. Oh my god, what does that mean. I only know that one point for one snap. She said “No, Grandma, not for text chats in the group.” Just for sendin’ those picture things, you know, the “Snaps.” I think it’s the picture you send. It’s not just the words you type.
She tried to explain it to me, bless her heart. Said somethin’ about how sendin’ a picture, a “Snap,” gets you a point. But just typin’ words, like in a regular conversation, that don’t do nothin’ for your Snap Score. You can send one snap or five, and you’ll get one point or five points. I guess if you send five snaps, that’s five points. It is so confusing. I think if you send five snaps, you get five points.
It’s like when you add up how many eggs you’ve collected from your hens. Each egg is a point, and if you put five eggs into a box, you get five points. Does that make sense? So, in 2023, the point is still one for one. That’s what my granddaughter told me.
Now, I don’t know if sendin’ the same picture to a bunch of different folks gets you more points. My granddaughter said it doesn’t. Seems like a waste of a good picture to me, but what do I know? I think that you should get points if you send to many people. But I don’t know. I’m just an old lady, you know?
- Send a picture, get a point.
- Type some words, get nothin’.
- Group chat or no group chat, it don’t matter for just typin’.
- Sendin’ the same picture to lots of folks? That don’t get you extra points.
- One Snap for one point. Five Snaps for five points.
Honestly, this whole Snap Score thing is a bit much for me. I’d rather just sit on my porch and watch the world go by. But the young ones, they love it. And if it makes ’em happy, well, that’s all that matters, right? They can keep their Snappin’ and their group chattin’. I’ll just stick to my knitting.
I still don’t really get it, but I think I understand a little bit more now. It’s like, you gotta do somethin’ to get somethin’. You gotta send those picture things to get those points. Just talkin’ ain’t gonna cut it.
These kids today and their phones! It’s a whole different world. But hey, as long as they’re happy, I guess that’s all that matters. Just as long as they remember to call their old grandma every now and then! And maybe explain this Snapchat thing to me one more time. Maybe next time I’ll finally get it.

And this Snap Score, they say everyone can get it. No matter how old you are. That’s what they tell me. So anyone can use Snapchat and get points. But, I am too old to learn these things.
So that’s what I heard about the group chat and the Snapchat Score in 2023. Don’t know if it is true or not. But it is what the kids are talking about. I hope that helps you all to understand. If you want to know more, you can ask the young people.