Alright, let’s talk about this Gimp thingy and them shortcut keys. My grandson, he’s always fiddlin’ with this computer stuff. Says it makes things faster. I say, “Faster? Faster than my hands when I’m kneadin’ dough?” He just laughs.
Anyway, he showed me some of these shortcuts for that Gimp program he uses for his pictures. Looks complicated to me, but he says it ain’t so bad once you get the hang of it. So, I figured, if this old lady can learn a thing or two, so can you.

First off, what’s the big deal with these shortcuts? Well, it’s like this: instead of clickin’ around with that mouse all day, you can just press some buttons and things happen faster. Like, if you wanna copy a picture, instead of goin’ up to that “Edit” thingy and then clickin’ “Copy,” you can just press Ctrl + C. See? Faster.
- Ctrl + C: Copy that picture or whatever you got selected.
- Ctrl + V: Paste it somewhere else. Like puttin’ jam on bread, you copy it from the jar and paste it on the bread.
- Ctrl + X: Cut it out. Like if you cut out a piece of fabric for a quilt.
Now, my grandson says there’s a bunch of these shortcuts. Too many for this old brain to remember, that’s for sure. But he says some are more important than others. He calls ’em “essential.” Like salt in the stew, I guess.
Here’s some more of them essential ones, he says:
- Ctrl + Z: Oops! Made a mistake? This one undoes it. Like when you spill a little flour and gotta sweep it up.
- Ctrl + Shift + Z: Oh wait, I actually liked that mistake! This puts it back. Like when you decide that spilled flour actually looked kinda nice on the floor. (Don’t tell my grandson I said that!)
- Ctrl + A: Selects everything. Like gatherin’ up all the eggs from the henhouse.
- Ctrl + D: Makes another one of the same picture. Like makin’ another batch of cookies ’cause the first one was so good.
- Ctrl + T: Turns the selection on or off. Like flippin’ a switch, this one.
- Ctrl + Comma: Fills the whole thing with color, like pourin’ gravy all over your mashed potatoes. Only, you gotta pick the color first, I guess.
My grandson, he says these shortcuts save him a lot of time. He’s always fussin’ about time, that boy. Says he’s gotta be efficient. I tell him, “Efficient? You ain’t seen efficient till you’ve seen me churn butter!” But he just shakes his head and goes back to tappin’ on them keys.
He also showed me some shortcuts for workin’ with words. He does a lot of typin’, I guess. He says if you’re typin’ a lot, you need to know how to move around quick. Like jumpin’ from one word to the next.
Here’s a couple for them words:
- Moving to the next word or the previous word. He showed me, but I forgot the exact buttons. Something about “Alt” and arrows, I think. It’s like steppin’ stones across a creek, you hop from one word to the next.
- Deleting a whole word at once. That sounds handy. Like when you write a whole sentence and then decide it don’t make no sense. You can just whoosh, delete the whole thing and start over.
Now, I ain’t sayin’ you gotta learn all these shortcuts. My grandson says even knowing a few can make a big difference. It’s like knowin’ a few good recipes. You don’t need to know a thousand recipes to make a good meal, right? Just a few good ones will do ya.
So, how do you learn these shortcuts? Well, my grandson says you can find lists of ’em online. Just type somethin’ like “gimp keyboard shortcuts” into that Google thingy. He says there’s even pictures of the keyboard to show you which keys to press. Or you can find a “PDF guide” he calls it. Sounds fancy, but it’s just a list you can print out.

And he says the best way to learn is to just start usin’ ’em. Pick a few at a time and practice. Like learnin’ to knit, you start with the easy stitches and then work your way up to the fancy ones. And don’t worry if you forget ’em. You can always look ’em up again. Even this old lady can do that!
So, there you have it. A little somethin’ about them Gimp shortcut keys. Maybe they’ll help you, maybe they won’t. But hey, it’s always good to learn somethin’ new, even if you’re just an old woman like me. And if you get stuck, just ask your grandson. Or your granddaughter. They probably know more about this stuff than we do anyway.
And remember, even if you’ve never used shortcuts before, these Gimp tool shortcuts are easy to learn. My grandson said so, and he knows about these things. You just gotta practice, like anything else in life. Like makin’ a good pie crust, it takes practice to get it just right. So don’t get discouraged if you don’t get it right away. Just keep tryin’.
These shortcuts will make your work faster and easier. And who doesn’t want things to be faster and easier? I know I do. So go on, give them shortcuts a try. You might just surprise yourself with how much you can do. And who knows, maybe you’ll even become a Gimp shortcut expert. Stranger things have happened!