Alright, listen up, y’all. We gotta figure out this findin’ users thing, you know, this “find user from SID” stuff. Sounds fancy, but it ain’t nothin’ but lookin’ for folks with their special numbers, like a secret code or somethin’.
So, this SID thing, it’s like a tag they put on every person in the computer world. Like how we used to mark our cows with them ear tags back in the day, so we knew which one was Bessie and which one was Daisy. Same deal here, but for computer folks.

Now, sometimes, you see these SIDs, these numbers, and you don’t know who they belong to. It’s like seein’ a cow with a tag but forgettin’ which family it belongs to. The computer, it gets confused too. It can’t always match the number to a name right away. Maybe the person left, or maybe the computer’s just bein’ stubborn, like my old mule, Jedediah. It just can’t figure it out.
- First off, we gotta get them SIDs, them numbers. It’s like gatherin’ up all the ear tags from the field.
- Then, we gotta turn them numbers into names. We gotta say, “Hey, this number belongs to old man Johnson down the road”.
Seems like there’s these things called “command prompt” and “PowerShell.” Sounds scary, like somethin’ the city folk use. But it ain’t so bad. It’s like askin’ the computer real nice, “Hey, who does this number belong to?” And sometimes, the computer listens, sometimes it don’t.
And then there’s this other place, the “AD,” the “Active Directory,” they call it. Sounds like a big ol’ phone book for all the computer people. If you got the number, you can look it up in that book and find the name. It’s like callin’ up the operator and sayin’, “Hey, I got this number, who does it belong to?”
Sometimes, though, people disappear. They leave the farm, so to speak. And their number’s still there, but there ain’t no name attached. It’s like findin’ an ear tag in the field, but the cow’s long gone. That’s when things get tricky. You gotta go lookin’ in the history books, seein’ if you can find who that tag used to belong to.
Now, there’s these fancy tools, these “GUI” things. Sounds like somethin’ you’d find in a beauty parlor, but it ain’t. It’s like a little helper, a little snoop, that lets you look up people by their number or their name, or even just a part of their name. It’s like havin’ a little dog that sniffs out the right cow for you.
And speakin’ of lookin’ up, you can look up groups of people too. Not just one person, but a whole bunch of ’em together. Like findin’ the whole herd instead of just one cow. You can look ’em up by their special number, their fancy name, or just a regular name, like “the Johnson family herd.”
So, that’s the long and short of it. Findin’ people by their special numbers, their SIDs. It ain’t easy, but it ain’t rocket science either. It’s just a matter of knowin’ where to look and askin’ the right questions. And if all else fails, you just gotta keep diggin’ until you find what you’re lookin’ for. Just like lookin’ for a lost calf in the tall grass. You just keep lookin’ till you find it.
Just remember, every person got a number, and every number got a person, even if that person ain’t around no more. You just gotta find a way to match ’em up.

Tags: [SID, User, Find User, Active Directory, Windows, PowerShell, Command Prompt, Security Identifier, User Account]