Step-by-step: How to Add Calendar Selection in Google Sheets

Alright, so you wanna stick a calendar thingy in them Google Sheets, huh? It ain’t rocket science, I tell ya. Even this old gal can figure it out, and if I can, you sure as heck can too. Let’s get down to brass tacks.

First off, you gotta open up that Google Sheet. You know, the one you wanna mess with. If ya ain’t got one, make a new one. Simple as pie. Click that little plus sign at the bottom, they always hide it down there, sneaky little fellers.

Step-by-step: How to Add Calendar Selection in Google Sheets

Now, where do you want this calendar thing to show up? Pick a cell, any cell. Just click on it. That’s where the magic’s gonna happen. Think of it like plantin’ a seed, only it’s gonna grow a calendar, not a tomato.

Okay, here’s the tricky part, but don’t you fret none. We gotta make sure the cell knows it’s supposed to be a date. You see, these computers, they ain’t too bright. Gotta spell it out for ’em. So, you go up to the top, to that “Format” thingy. Click on it, and then you’ll see “Number”. Click on that too. Then you pick “Date”. It’s like tellin’ the cell, “Hey, you’re gonna be a date, get ready!”

  • Open Google Sheet.
  • Pick a cell.
  • Format cell as “Date”.

Now, there are a couple of ways to get that calendar poppin’ up. One way, the easy way, is to just type in a date. Like, “10/27/2024” or however you write your dates. Then, you double click on that cell, and BAM! A little calendar pops up, just like magic. You can click around on it, pick a different date, whatever you want. It’s kinda fun, like a little game.

Another way, a bit fancier, is to use something called “data validation.” Sounds scary, but it ain’t. You go back up to that top menu, click on “Data”, then you find “Data validation”. Click on that. A little box pops up. It looks complicated, but don’t worry. See where it says “Criteria”? You click on that, and pick “Date”. Then you can set all sorts of rules, like making sure the date is between certain dates, or only allowing dates in the future. It’s like puttin’ up a fence around your calendar, keepin’ things neat and tidy.

And if you wanna get real fancy, like them city folk, you can even customize how that calendar looks. You can change the colors, the fonts, all that jazz. But that’s a whole ‘nother story for another day. Right now, let’s just stick to gettin’ that calendar in there.

So, that’s it. Not so hard, was it? Now you can add calendars all over the place in your Google Sheets. Keep track of birthdays, appointments, when the next pie sale is, whatever your heart desires. And if this old gal can do it, you can too. Don’t let them fancy computers scare ya.

Remember, the main thing is to make sure that cell knows it’s supposed to be a date. Once it knows that, the calendar will pop up easy as pie. And if you mess up, don’t worry. Just start over. Ain’t nobody gonna judge ya, except maybe that nosy Mrs. Henderson down the street, but who cares what she thinks anyway.

Now go on and get to it. And don’t forget to invite me to that pie sale you’re gonna put on your calendar.

Step-by-step: How to Add Calendar Selection in Google Sheets

Oh, and one more thing, don’t forget to save your work. Click that little save button, or it’ll all be for nothin’. Learned that the hard way, I tell ya.

Tags: [Google Sheets, Calendar, Date Picker, Data Validation, Spreadsheet, How-to, Tutorial, Organization]