Well, that darn PS4 is at it again. Tried to watch my shows, and it’s giving me that “cannot play media media player ps4” message. What a headache!
I ain’t no tech whiz, that’s for sure. Just want to sit down and watch my stories. Why’s it gotta be so complicated? My grandbaby tried to help, bless her heart, but she’s always talking about “codec” this and “format” that. Sounds like a bunch of hogwash to me. PS4 media player, they call it. More like PS4 headache maker, I say.

So, I did what any sensible person would do – I hollered at that neighbor boy, the one who’s always glued to his computer. He’s a good kid, even if he does spend too much time indoors. He said something about the files not being right for the PS4. Said I gotta “convert” them or something. Convert what? I don’t know and I don’t wanna know! Just want it to work!
He mumbled something about MP4 being okay, but only some kinds of MP4. What a mess! This is what I heard, anyway, I don’t understand these things much.
- He said MP4 is like a box.
- And what’s inside the box matters.
- PS4 only likes certain things inside the box.
Anyway, he showed me how to change something on my computer, and now some of the shows are working. But not all of them! This is why I hate all these new-fangled machines. Nothing is simple anymore. And you know those USB? That is a kind of key, I think. He said PS4 do not read some kind of key. Only read FAT and exFAT, whatever these are.
I remember back in the day, we had that old, you know, the picture box, and we just put in a tape, and it played. No fuss, no muss. Now, it’s all buttons and menus and error messages. “Cannot play media,” it says. Well, no kidding! That’s what I’m trying to tell it! And the videos are too big, over 4GB? I can’t play them? How am I supposed to know?
Sometimes, I just wanna throw the whole thing out the window. But then I remember how much it cost, and I think better of it. Gotta make do with what you got, I suppose. Still, it’s frustrating. I heard some folks use a “media server” thing. Sounds complicated. I don’t want another thing to learn. They said the name is Serviio or something. I don’t care.
I asked the neighbor boy if he could fix all of them. He said maybe, but it would take time. Time I don’t have! I got shows to watch! He said he could “split” the videos. Like splitting wood? I don’t get it. He is using some kind of “DVD ripper”. I don’t know what that is. I think it makes the files work on PS4.
He also said something about a “Plex server”. Sounds like some kind of government thing to me. Another headache! But some people said this thing can help PS4 media player play the files. And those files played well on PS3! Why PS4 is so difficult?
This whole “cannot play media media player ps4” business is a real pain. This is what I get for trying to keep up with the times. Should’ve stuck with my old ways. And one time I paused the video, and then it said “cannot play media” again! Oh, I was so angry!

I just hope that neighbor boy can figure it out. Otherwise, I’m gonna be stuck staring at a blank screen. And nobody wants that. Maybe I’ll just go back to reading my books. At least those don’t need to be “converted” or whatever.
One more thing. Even the neighbor boy used the same “codec” like PS4 supported, the PS4 still cannot play the media. This really made me mad.
Anyway, that’s my story. If anyone out there knows how to fix this “cannot play media media player ps4” problem without all the fancy talk, let me know. A plain and simple answer, that’s all I ask.