Well, ain’t this a pickle? My dang Fitbit Charge won’t charge no more! It’s just sittin’ there, dead as a doornail. I swear, these fancy gadgets are more trouble than they’re worth. But I paid good money for this thing, and I ain’t ready to throw it in the trash just yet.
First thing I did, I checked the charger thingy, you know, the cable. Looked it over real good, up and down. Didn’t see no rips or tears or nothin’. Still, I plugged it into a different hole in the wall, just in case. Nothin’. Tried another one of them USB plug things, the kind you use for your phone? Still nothin’. This Fitbit is stubborn as a mule!

Then I got to thinkin’, maybe it’s just dirty. You know, like how dust gets everywhere? So I took a little cloth, the kind I use to clean my glasses, and wiped off them little gold dots on the back of the Fitbit and on the charger too. Wiped ’em real good. Figured, what the heck, it can’t hurt. Still won’t charge though. Frustratin’, I tell ya!
I heard tell you gotta let these things charge up for a good long while if they go all the way dead. So I plugged it in and left it alone for, oh, I don’t know, maybe an hour? Still nothin’ on the little screen. It’s just black. I poked at it, tapped it, even shook it a little. Nothin’. This thing is makin’ me madder than a wet hen!
Now, somebody told me once about pressin’ some button on the charger cable. Said you gotta press it three times, kinda quick-like. So I looked real close at that cable, and sure enough, there’s a little button on the end, the part that goes into the computer. I pressed it once, twice, three times, just like they said. Waited a bit, then did it again. Still nothin’. My Fitbit just sits there, cold and dead.
- Checked the charger cable for damage.
- Tried different wall outlets and USB ports.
- Cleaned the charging contacts on both the Fitbit and the charger.
- Let it charge for over 30 minutes, even an hour.
- Tried pressing the button on the charger cable three times.
I even tried that restartin’ thing. You know, holdin’ down the button for a long time. But this Fitbit, it ain’t got no buttons! Just that little spot on the side you tap. So I tapped it, held it, did everything I could think of. Still nothin’. I swear, I’m about ready to chuck it out the window!
I’m not one for fancy words or complicated stuff. I just want my Fitbit to work! I like countin’ my steps, you see. Makes me feel like I’m doin’ somethin’ good for myself. And now it’s just a useless piece of plastic. Maybe I shoulda stuck with my old pedometer, the one that just clips on your pants. At least that thing worked!
I did get it a little wet the other day, washin’ dishes. But it’s supposed to be able to handle a little water, right? They say it’s waterproof, or water- somethin’. Anyways, I dried it off real good, so I don’t think that’s the problem. But who knows with these things? They’re finicky, that’s for sure.
I reckon I’ll have to go ask my grandson for help. He’s good with all this tech stuff. Maybe he can figure out what’s wrong with it. If not, I guess I’ll have to buy a new one. But I ain’t happy about it. Not one bit. These things cost a pretty penny, and they should last longer than this!
So, what’s a body to do when their Fitbit Charge won’t charge? Well, I tried everything I could think of, and everything I heard tell of. Checked the cable, cleaned the contacts, tried different outlets, pressed the button, even tried to restart it, though I’m not even sure if I did that right. Nothin’ worked. Guess I’m stuck waitin’ for my grandson to come over and fix it, or I’m gonna have to shell out more money for a new one. And that just ain’t right. These things should be more reliable, especially for the price you pay. It’s enough to make a person swear off technology altogether!