Well now, let me tell ya somethin’ about these “batocera games,” whatever that means. Sounds fancy, but I reckon it’s just a bunch of them video games the young’uns are always playin’. Heard tell there’s a whole heap of ’em, more than you can shake a stick at.
So, what kind of games are we talkin’ about? Seems like there’s shootin’ games, like that “Area 51” thing. And all sorts of other stuff, I guess. They say some folks made a list, a big ol’ list of games that work good on this “batocera” thing. Don’t ask me how they do it, all this computer mumbo jumbo is beyond me.

Now, I heard tell you gotta put these games somewhere, in some kinda “roms folder.” Sounds like a dusty ol’ box in the attic to me! But I guess it’s on a “flash drive” or somethin’. And you can’t use that “APFS” thing, whatever that is. Batocera can’t read it, they say. Fussy little thing, ain’t it?
And get this, some of these games, they come free! Imagine that, free games! Back in my day, you had to work hard for everything. But these young’uns, they get stuff for free, just like that. They say Batocera comes with some free games, and you can get more from a “Content Downloader.” Sounds like a fancy name for a candy store, if you ask me.
- They got shootin’ games.
- And other kinds of games, who knows what.
- Some games work good, some don’t, I reckon.
Then there’s this “*” thing. Sounds complicated, but it’s just a list, like I said. It tells you the name of the game, shows you a picture, and tells you a little bit about it. Like when it came out, I guess. You can even change this stuff, they say. Got an “editor” for it. Like changin’ the price tag on a can of beans at the store, only digital, I suppose.
And wouldn’t you know it, you can even play them “Windows games” on this here Batocera contraption. Windows, like the things in your house? No, no, somethin’ different, I guess. Sounds complicated to set up, though. They say it “depends,” which usually means it ain’t easy. And there’s a list for that too, a “compatibility list.” To see if your game will work, see?
So, how do you get all these games? Well, you gotta put ’em there yourself, like I said. In that “roms folder.” And then you gotta “reload” the system, whatever that means. And then you can make the list, the gamelist, so everything shows up nice and neat. No need to “rescrap,” thank goodness. Don’t know what that is, and I don’t wanna know!
And if you’re lookin’ for free games, well, they got ya covered. Lots of free options, they say. For this Batocera thing. Just gotta look around, I suppose. Like findin’ a good deal at the flea market.
And if you buy one of them Batocera machines, or whatever they are, they say you get games for free, already installed. No need to download nothin’. Sounds easy enough, even for an old gal like me. Though I still prefer a good game of checkers, if you ask me.
So, that’s the gist of it, I reckon. A whole lotta games, you gotta put ’em somewhere, and there’s lists to help you keep track. And some are free, which is always nice. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I gotta go feed the chickens.

Tags: Batocera Games, Windows Games, Game List, Free Games, ROMs, Compatibility, Batocera Linux, Game Metadata