Alright, let’s talk about this Linux thingy, the “du sort” stuff. Don’t you worry, I’ll make it plain as day, no fancy talk. We ain’t got time for that.
So, you got all these files and folders on your computer, right? Like a big ol’ messy barn. And you wanna know which ones are takin’ up all the space, hoggin’ all the feed, so to speak. That’s where this “du” comes in. It’s like peekin’ into each stall to see how much hay is piled up in there.

Now, “du” by itself just spits out a bunch of numbers, all mixed up like chickens in the yard. Can’t make heads or tails of it, can ya? That’s where “sort” comes in. It’s like gatherin’ them chickens and linin’ ’em up, biggest to smallest, so you can see who’s eatin’ all the grain.
What’s this “du -ah” do? Well, it’s like tellin’ the “du” command to go look everywhere, every nook and cranny, and tell me how big everything is, in a way I can understand, not just some gibberish numbers. “a” means “all,” and “h” means “human-readable,” like pounds and ounces instead of just some weird weight units.
And then you got this “sort -k1 -h” part. That’s the boss tellin’ the sorter how to line up them chickens. “-k1” means sort by the first thing you see on each line, which is the size. And that “-h” again, that means sort it like a human would, you know, kilograms before megabytes and all that.
Let’s say you got a whole heap of stuff and you only wanna see the biggest hogs. You can tack on this “tail -n 50” thing. That’s like sayin’, “Just show me the top 50 biggest files and folders, I ain’t got all day to look at the whole dang list.”
So, you put it all together, “du -ah . | sort -k1 -h | tail -n 50”, and it’s like sayin’, “Go look at everythin’ in this here barn, tell me how big it all is, line ’em up biggest to smallest, and just show me the top 50 biggest hogs.” See? Not so hard when you break it down.
- du: Checks the size of stuff, like lookin’ in the barn stalls.
- -a: Means “all,” look everywhere.
- -h: Means “human-readable,” like pounds and ounces.
- sort: Lines things up, like organizin’ chickens.
- -k1: Sort by the first thing, the size.
- -r: Reverses sort order (largest to smallest) instead of smallest to largest.
- tail -n 50: Just show me the top 50 biggest.
You can also do other things, like “du -h –max-depth=2”. That’s like sayin’, “Just look two levels deep in the barn, I don’t need to see every single little thing.” Keeps things from gettin’ too cluttered.
And there’s this “sort” and “uniq” thing, but that’s a whole ‘nother can of worms. Basically, “sort” lines things up, and “uniq” gets rid of the duplicates, like if you got two chickens that look exactly the same. But we ain’t gonna get into that right now.
This whole “piping” thing, that’s just connectin’ one command to another, like a little assembly line. The output of “du” goes into “sort,” and then that goes into “tail.” Simple as that.

So, there you have it. That “du sort” thing ain’t so scary after all. Just a way to see what’s takin’ up all the space on your computer, so you can clean house and get things organized. Like spring cleanin’ for your digital barn.
Now, go on and try it out. And don’t be afraid to mess around, that’s how you learn. Just like learnin’ to bake a good pie, you gotta try it a few times to get it right.
Tags: [Linux, du command, sort command, disk usage, file size, command line, terminal, organizing files, system administration, linux commands]