Well, let me tell ya somethin’ ’bout these here Google wall calendars. I ain’t no fancy city slicker, but even I know a thing or two ’bout keepin’ track of the days.
You know, back in my day, we just had a ol’ piece of paper with the days scratched on it, hangin’ on the wall by a rusty nail. But these young folks, they got all this fancy technology, like these Google thingamajigs. They tell me you can even put it up on the wall, big as a barn door if ya want!

Now, I hear tell some folks still like them paper calendars. Says they like to write stuff down, you know, birthdays and such. And some folks, they even make their own calendars! Can ya believe that? Pictures of their grandkids and whatnot. That’s kinda nice, I reckon.
- But this Google calendar, it’s different, see? It ain’t just paper. It’s…well, it’s in that there computer thingy, or maybe on your phone. Them young’uns are always starin’ at them phones.
- And they say it can remind ya of stuff. Like, if you gotta go to the doctor, it’ll beep and holler at ya. Lord knows I could use a reminder or two these days, my memory ain’t what it used to be.
- I heard tell you gotta have that “personal results” thing turned on, whatever that means. And your phone gotta be hooked up to the same… whatchamacallit… Wi-Fi, like the TV or somethin’. Sounds complicated if ya ask me.
Now, some folks, they want a big ol’ calendar on the wall, like a TV screen but real thin. They use somethin’ called a “pi,” like that round thing you eat, but I reckon it’s different. Maybe it’s like a little box that makes the calendar show up big. I don’t rightly know.
There’s this other thing called “DAKBoard,” sounds like somethin’ you’d find in a barn, but they say it’s cheap and you can put your calendar on it. Five dollars a month, or five hundred all at once. That’s a lot of money, I tell ya. Back in my day, five dollars could buy ya a whole mess of chickens!
And then there’s all these different kinds of calendars you can buy. Big ones, small ones, some with lines so you can write straight. They got ’em for the whole year, from January to December. You can even get one you can write on and wipe off, like a chalkboard, only bigger. They call it a “dry erase” calendar. Fancy, huh?
They sell these calendars everywhere, even on that “Amazon” place them young’uns are always talkin’ about. Millions of things they got, so I hear. You can probably find a calendar there, sure enough. But I reckon you gotta be quick, they got sales and such, gotta get there before everything’s gone.
So, what’s the big deal with these Google wall calendars, you ask? Well, I reckon it’s just a newfangled way of doin’ what we always done – keepin’ track of time. Whether it’s on paper or on a screen, it’s all the same, really. Just a way to remember what day it is and what you gotta do. And that’s important, no matter how old you are or where you come from.
In short, a Google wall calendar is just a new way to see your schedule on a big screen. You need your devices connected, and there are different ways to display it, some fancy, some not so fancy. But in the end, it helps you remember things, and that’s what matters.
Tags: [Google Wall Calendar, Digital Calendar, Smart Calendar, Wall Display, Organization, Schedule, Reminder, DAKBoard, Technology]