Well, let me tell ya somethin’ about this here “abandonware software,” whatever that fancy name means. It’s like this, see? These computer folks, they make these programs, games and whatnots, and then they just up and leave ’em. Just like a stray cat, nobody wants ’em no more. Don’t know why, maybe they got tired of ’em, maybe they went outta business, who knows?
Now, some folks say it ain’t right to just take these old programs. They say it’s like stealin’, like snatchin’ a pie off a windowsill. They call it “piracy,” like them swashbucklin’ fellas on the high seas. They got these “copyrights,” see? Rules that say who owns what. But if the fella who made it ain’t around no more, who’s gonna care? It’s like findin’ an old, rusty horseshoe in the dirt – ain’t nobody usin’ it, so what’s the harm in pickin’ it up?

- Some say it’s illegal.
- Some say nobody cares.
- I say, if nobody wants it, it ain’t stealin’.
These abandonware things, they ain’t for sale no more. You can’t just walk into a store and buy ’em, not like a loaf of bread or a can of beans. The people who made ’em, they ain’t supportin’ ’em either. No help lines, no updates, nothin’. You’re on your own, like a calf lost in the woods. But that don’t mean they ain’t good, mind you. Some of them old games, they’re better than the new ones, all flashy and complicated. They got heart, like a good ol’ hound dog.
Now, there’s places on this here internet, websites and such, where you can find these abandonware programs. They got ’em all lined up, like jars of preserves on a pantry shelf. Folks say some of them places ain’t safe, got viruses and such, like a sick chicken in the henhouse. But some are alright, like that “MyAbandonWare” place. Folks say they get their old games from there, works just fine, they say.
But here’s the thing, the law, it ain’t so clear on this. It’s like tryin’ to catch fog with a butterfly net. They say it’s illegal to download somethin’ you don’t own, just like it’s wrong to watch a movie you didn’t pay for. But if nobody owns it no more, is it really stealin’? Is it really hurtin’ anybody? It’s a head-scratcher, that’s for sure.
It’s like this, see? If a farmer leaves his field fallow, and nobody’s plantin’ nothin’, is it wrong to let your cow graze there? If a tree falls in the forest, and nobody hears it, does it make a sound? These are the questions that keep me up at night, along with the creakin’ floorboards and the hootin’ owls.
And what about the people who made these programs? Some say they wouldn’t mind folks playin’ their old games, long as they ain’t makin’ money off it. Some might even be happy to know people still remember their work, like seein’ an old friend after many years. But some might still be gripin’, sayin’ it’s their property, even if they ain’t doin’ nothin’ with it. It’s a whole lotta fuss over somethin’ that’s just sittin’ there, gatherin’ dust on a digital shelf.
So, is it right? Is it wrong? I ain’t got all the answers, child. But I reckon if you ain’t hurtin’ nobody, and you’re just enjoyin’ somethin’ that nobody else wants, well, that don’t seem so bad to me. It’s like findin’ a pretty rock on the side of the road. You ain’t stealin’ it from nobody, you’re just givin’ it a new home.
Anyways, that’s my two cents on this abandonware business. Take it or leave it, it’s up to you. Just don’t go blamin’ me if you get in trouble with them fancy city lawyers. I’m just an old woman tryin’ to make sense of this crazy world, one old program at a time.
Tags: [abandonware, software, legal, download, copyright, old games, vintage software, MyAbandonWare, piracy, digital preservation]