Well, let me tell you, this computer stuff is a real head-scratcher. But my grandson, he’s a whiz with these things, he told me I gotta backup my stuff on this Windows thing. Says I should put it on a… what’s it called… a NAS. Sounds like a donkey’s noise to me, “nee-naw, nee-naw,” but okay. I just gotta keep my important stuff safe.
He said something about Windows backup to NAS. I guess that means puttin’ all my pictures and letters from my Windows computer onto that NAS thingamajig. Now, I ain’t no computer expert, but I reckon I can figure it out. I gotta keep my pictures safe, you see, my daughter makes sure that I know how important they are, and I can’t lose them.

First, I gotta find this “Settings” thing. I see it, it is that gear looking thing. Then he told me to type “File History”. He says type something, but I don’t have a type writer. Type in “File History”, just like that, in that little search box. Okay, I did that. I can also use that “Windows key” and “R” and type in “control”, then find something called “Save backup copies of your files with File History”. Lordy, that’s a mouthful.
Then what? Oh yeah, “Select drive”. Sounds like I’m goin’ for a Sunday drive. Then I gotta click “Add a network location”. Network… like them fishin’ nets? I guess this is where I add that NAS thingy. He said it’s connected to my computer, so I guess it’s gotta be here somewhere.
There was also something called “Backup and Restore” for this Windows 11. Windows 11 is that thing I am using, I think it is like 11 because it is new. And there’s this other thing, a “free backup utility” for Windows 10, I don’t have that one, but my neighbor might. Good for her, I guess. She is always losing things that silly woman. They say you can use that Synology NAS with it. Sounds fancy. Mine is just a plain old NAS, I think.
My grandson, he also mumbled something about “Storage” and “Backup Manager”. Said I gotta “mouse over” it. I ain’t got no mouse in here, just this little thing I move around on the desk. He means that, I guess. Then somethin’ about a drop-down menu. Like a menu at the diner? I like the pie there. I wonder if they got cherry pie today.
- Find “Storage”
- Then “Backup Manager”
- Drop-down menu… like ordering pie.
Then he said somethin’ about “NAS to NAS” or “Schedule Backup“. “NAS to NAS” sounds like a lot of work. I think I want that “Schedule Backup” thing. I ain’t got time to do this every day. I got bingo on Wednesdays, you know.
He wrote it down for me here… “Schedule Backup will be used for these instructions.” Okay, I can read that much. So I gotta find that somewhere in this Backup Manager thing. This whole Windows backup to NAS is makin’ my head spin.
Oh, and he said somethin’ about these NAS things havin’ USB ports. Like them little holes on the side of my computer? Said I could connect a USB hard disk drive. Sounds like a hard day’s work to me. Then I could backup from the NAS to that disk thingy. But he said that’s “manual”. I ain’t doin’ nothin’ manual. I’m too old for that. Too much work. I am using a computer after all, it should do the hard work.
He said somethin’ about a “web interface” from the NAS vendor. Vendor… like that fella who sells hot dogs at the fair? I don’t know about that. Too complicated for me. I just want to backup my darn pictures to that NAS! I am going to have to ask my daughter about this, I don’t know what to do.

I just want this thing to work. Windows backup to NAS shouldn’t be this hard. I just want my pictures safe, that is what I care about. I want those pictures on that NAS, and I want it done automatically. No more manual work for me. My old bones are tired. My daughter will help me, she will know what to do. Then I won’t lose my pictures, I will make sure of that. That’s what my daughter says is the most important thing.
Maybe I’ll just call my grandson again. He’s always fiddlin’ with these computers. He can probably do this Windows backup to NAS thing with his eyes closed. Kids these days. So much easier now than it used to be.