This here thing, the snap-store, it’s like one of them new-fangled contraptions, ain’t it? Sometimes it gets stuck, like an old mule in the mud. And you gotta do somethin’ about it. I heard some folks talkin’ ’bout how to fix it, and I reckon I can tell ya how, plain and simple.
Now, first thing you gotta know, this snap-store, it’s like a shop, but on your computer. You get all sorts of things there. But sometimes it just sits there, starin’ at ya, not doin’ nothin’. That’s when you gotta give it a good nudge. I hear that just clickin’ the close button on the store window don’t really make it go away. This snap-store is like me, it keeps going in the background, even when I look like I’m resting. So, closing the window is not enough, you need to do other things, I’ll tell you.

They say you gotta use somethin’ called a “command.” Sounds fancy, but it’s just tellin’ the computer what to do. You type in killall snap-store. Just like that. It’s like yellin’ at that mule to “Giddy up!” That’ll stop it dead in its tracks. That’s what them young folks say, anyhow. You need to kill it all, every bit of this snap-store. Make it gone. Then it can work again, maybe.
Once you done that, you can tell it to update. This update is like giving new shoes to the mule. Now, I’m not a master of the tech, but people use a command to make it update, I think it’s called a “sudo.” They say, you need to type in “sudo snap refresh“. Whatever that means. But once you do that, they say, everything is good again.
And I heard somebody talking about “snap abort” something. I guess it means like, you’re tryin’ to get something from the store, but it ain’t workin’, you can just stop it. Abort it. Like when I tried to bake that cake and it was turnin’ out all wrong, I just threw the whole mess out. They say you gotta put a number after that “abort” thing. The number depends on what you’re tryin’ to do. You can find the number, somehow. I don’t remember how.
Now, why do we need to do all this? Well, like I said, the store gets stuck. And if it’s stuck, you can’t get nothin’ new. And sometimes, the old stuff needs to be fixed, too. Like an old quilt that needs patchin’. This “update” thing, it’s like patchin’ the quilt. Makes it all nice and new again.
And there’s somethin’ called a “PID.” I don’t rightly know what it is, but it sounds important. Some kind of a number. If somethin’ ain’t workin’, you can find this PID number and tell the computer to get rid of it. I heard they do it by something called “ps -fp” followed by the “PID” number. And after that, they do this “sudo kill -9” thing. I guess it’s like puttin’ down an old dog that’s gone sick. Sad, but sometimes you gotta do it. If it’s not important, then just kill it.
There are also other commands, like “snap-store –quit“. It’s like you are telling the snap-store directly to quit. And after that, there is this “snap refresh snap-store“. It’s like, you are giving this store a refresh. I think after the refresh, it should be fine.
- First, you type killall snap-store.
- Then, you type sudo snap refresh.
- And if that don’t work, you gotta find the PID and use that kill thing.
- Or you try, snap-store –quit.
- And then, snap refresh snap-store.
That’s all I know about this snap-store thing. It’s a lot to remember, I know. But if you get stuck, just try them things I told ya. It might just work. And if it don’t, well, you can always find some young whippersnapper who knows more about these things than I do. They’re always fiddlin’ with these computers, ain’t they? Always glued to the screen. But hey, at least they know how to fix ’em when they break. This is how you kill all of the snap-store, I hope it helps.
These young folks, they also say this snap-store will update itself in the background. Like, by itself! Can you believe it? So maybe you don’t even need to do all this. Maybe just wait a spell, and it’ll fix itself. Like magic! But who knows with these new-fangled things. It is better to learn how to do it, in case it doesn’t fix itself. You know, just in case.