Well, I hear folks talkin’ ’bout this here “forward SMS messages to email” thing. Sounds like a mouthful, don’t it? But, I reckon it ain’t as hard as it sounds. It’s like sendin’ a letter, but instead of paper, you use them fancy phones and computers. Now, why would you wanna do that? I’ll tell ya!
Sometimes, ya get them little messages on your phone, them SMS messages, and you wanna keep ’em safe. Like that recipe for apple pie from your niece, or that picture of your grandbaby’s first steps. You don’t want them to just disappear into thin air, do ya? So, you send ’em to your email, where they can sit pretty and you can look at ’em whenever you want. Like keepin’ a photo in your wallet, only it’s on the computer.

Or maybe you’re expectin’ an important message, like from the doctor about your appointment. But you ain’t glued to your phone all day. Well, if you forward those messages to your email, you can check ’em on your computer when you get a chance. That way, you don’t miss nothin’ important.
- Keep important SMS safe
- Don’t miss important messages
- Like send a message from your phone to computer
Now, how do ya do this forward SMS messages to email thing? Well, it ain’t like plantin’ taters, that’s for sure. Each phone is a little different, like how my neighbor’s got a rooster that crows at noon, and mine crows at sunrise. You gotta poke around in the settings of your phone. It is easy to forward text to email.
Look for somethin’ that says “messages” or “messaging.” Then, look for somethin’ that says “forward” or maybe “send to.” It’s like findin’ the right jar of jam in the pantry. You gotta look at the labels. You might see somethin’ about “email” or your email address. That’s where you wanna send them messages.
You might have to type in your email address, just like writin’ your name on a birthday card. Make sure you type it in right, or else them messages will get lost, like a sock in the laundry. Then, you might have to tap a button that says “save” or “ok.” And that’s it! You’re forwarding SMS to email. Your messages will be in your email.
- Find message settings
- Find forward option
- Enter your email
- Save
Now, some phones might be a little trickier than others. My old phone was like a stubborn mule. Wouldn’t do nothin’ I told it to. If you’re havin’ trouble, you can always ask a young person for help. They’re good with these newfangled gadgets. Like my grandson, he can fix anything with a screen on it.
Or, you can look it up on the internet. There are lots of folks out there who have written about this forward SMS to email stuff. They have pictures and everything. It’s like a cookbook for your phone. You can just read how to forward messages.
- Young people can help
- Internet has instructions
- It is easy, not hard
But really, it ain’t that hard. Once you do it once, you’ll remember how to do it again. It’s like ridin’ a bike. You might wobble a little at first, but then you get the hang of it. Then you will know how to send SMS to email.
So, there ya have it. That’s how you forward SMS messages to email. It’s a handy little trick to have up your sleeve. Keeps your messages safe, helps you stay organized, and makes sure you don’t miss nothin’ important. It’s like havin’ a little helper in your pocket. And who wouldn’t want that?

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I gotta go check on my tomato plants. They’re startin’ to get ripe, and I need to make sure the crows don’t get to ’em first. But I got my email set up, so if anyone sends me a message, I’ll see it when I get back inside. Ain’t technology somethin’? You can forward SMS messages to email easily.