Ay, this here computer, it’s been actin’ up somethin’ fierce. Somethin’ keeps gettin’ unplugged, like it’s got a mind of its own. I don’t know nothin’ about these fancy machines, but I know when somethin’ ain’t right. Every now and then, it makes this noise, like a “boop-beep,” and then whatever I was doin’ just stops. It’s like tryin’ to catch a greased pig, I tell ya!
I think it might have somethin’ to do with that there Wi-Fi. See, we got this internet thingamajig, and it’s supposed to keep us connected to the whole world. But sometimes, it’s like the world just don’t want to talk to me. I see that little Wi-Fi symbol on the screen, and one minute it’s there, the next it’s gone. Poof! Vanished like a fart in the wind.

My grandson, he tried to show me some things. He poked around in the computer’s innards, clickin’ on this and that. He said somethin’ about drivers. Said they might be outdated. What’s that mean? Are they goin’ out on dates? Should I tell them to use protection? He mumbled somethin’ about updatin’ them. How am I supposed to update a driver? I ain’t got no truck!
He also said somethin’ about power saving. Said the computer might be tryin’ to take a nap and shuttin’ things off. Well, I need my nap too, but I don’t just shut off the whole dang world! Maybe the computer is just lazy, like old Bessie the cow. She’d lay down in the field and refuse to budge, no matter how much you hollered.
Sometimes, the thing disconnects and then connects right back up again. It’s like a game of peek-a-boo. “Boop-beep,” it’s gone. Then a minute later, “boop-beep,” it’s back. I swear, this computer is messin’ with me. It’s like that time I thought I saw a ghost in the outhouse. One minute it was there, the next it was gone. Scared the daylights outta me!
Now, I heard somethin’ about this USB thing. You know, those little pluggy things you stick in the side of the computer? My grandson said maybe one of them is loose or somethin’. He said a faulty USB cable can cause problems. Like a bad apple in the bunch, I reckon. I tried wigglin’ them around, but it didn’t seem to help none.
Here are a few things what’s been happenin’ with this here disconnecting problem:
- That little Wi-Fi symbol disappears more often than a rabbit in a magician’s hat.
- The computer makes that “boop-beep” noise like it’s sayin’ goodbye and hello all the time.
- My grandson said somethin’ about drivers needin’ to be updated. Whatever that means.
- He also talked about power saving, like the computer is takin’ a nap.
- And those USB things might be causin’ trouble. Maybe they’re loose or somethin’ is wrong with the wires.
My neighbor, she told me to try unpluggin’ the router. That’s that box with all the blinkin’ lights. She said to unplug it from the modem, that other box with lights. Then plug a computer directly into the modem with an Ethernet cable. She said that long wire is called an Ethernet cable. She said to see if the computer stays connected that way. If it still acts up, then the problem ain’t the router, it’s somethin’ else.
It all started about a week or so ago. My computer, it would take a spell to connect to the Wi-Fi after I turned it on. But then, one mornin’, I went to use it, and it just wouldn’t connect at all. It was like tryin’ to get water from a dry well. Nothin’ there! I don’t know if it is because I keep the computer on all night. Maybe it got tired.
My computer keeps completely disconnecting from networks. I don’t know what to do. It’s frustrating. I just want to look at my pictures of my grandkids and read my emails. Is that too much to ask? It is like the computer is being possessed.

I reckon there’s a few things that can cause this here computer disconnecting problem. Maybe the drivers are old, maybe the power saving is too strong, maybe the USB things are wonky, or maybe the Wi-Fi is just bein’ stubborn. Or maybe it’s just plain old gremlins in the machine.
I don’t know much about these things. But I know this: somethin’ ain’t right. And I need to figure out what’s causin’ this computer disconnecting before I lose my ever-lovin’ mind. It’s enough to make a saint swear, I tell ya! This whole thing is givin’ me a headache bigger than a prize-winnin’ pumpkin.