So I was scrolling through my Instagram the other day, just minding my own business, when I saw this little orange triangle thingy next to one of my DMs. I was like, “What the heck is that?” I’d never seen it before.
I started tapping around, trying to figure it out. First, I tapped on the DM thread itself. Nothing. Then, I noticed that the orange triangle was kinda like a little flag icon. You know, like how you flag emails and such.

I figured, maybe it’s some new way to mark important messages, or maybe it’s a way to flag inappropriate content. I had no idea. I long-pressed on the message with the orange triangle next to it. A little menu popped up, and there it was: “Flag” and “Unflag.” So yeah, it is a way to flag messages. I tapped “Flag,” and boom, the orange triangle appeared at the top right corner of the conversation in my chat feed.
- Then I was like, “Okay, but how do I see all my flagged messages?”
- After messing around some more, I found that the flagged messages show up right at the top of your inbox. Super convenient.
- To get rid of the flag, you just long-press on the chat again and tap “Unflag.” Easy peasy.
More exploration about the icons
It’s pretty cool. I was also checking those icons on the top-right corner, there are some other icons I noticed before. Like the airplane icon, I knew I can send new messages, receive new messages, it’s like an entrance to a different section. And there was this red circle showing the number of messages I haven’t read. I tapped on it, then it showed me all the unread messages. That is also a good feature.
And I also found that sometimes there are some colorful circles around someone’s profile picture, they are orange-ish or other colors. It turns out that if someone shares a “Story,” then there will be a circle around their profile picture. I can tap on those profile pictures, it will show their stories. I guess Instagram really wants us to see our friends’ stories.
Anyways, that’s my little adventure with the orange triangle on Instagram DMs. Hope that helps someone else who’s confused about it!