Alright, listen up, y’all. We’re gonna talk about this here… what’s it called? Mine-craft. Yeah, that game my grandkid’s always yappin’ about. And somethin’ about buried treasure and maps, but the darn thing ain’t got no “X” markin’ the spot. Sounds like a whole lotta trouble to me.
So, from what I gather, this here Mine-craft game has these maps, right? And they’re supposed to lead ya to buried treasure. Now, any fool knows a treasure map needs an “X”! That’s how it’s always been. Pirates and all that. But these young’uns, they come up with all sorts of newfangled nonsense.

The Problem with No “X”
Now, see, the problem is when there ain’t no “X” on that map, it’s like lookin’ for a needle in a haystack, only the haystack is the whole darn world! These kids say the map shows ya the general area, but “general area” ain’t gonna cut it when you’re diggin’ for treasure. You could be diggin’ all day and night and still come up empty-handed.
I heard tell that in some versions of this Mine-craft, the treasure is always in a certain spot in a “chunk.” Chunk? Sounds like somethin’ you’d feed to the chickens. They say it’s like a square piece of the world, and the treasure’s always in the same spot in that square, somethin’ like at number 9 in that Java thingy and 8 in Bedrock thingy, whatever those are. Now ain’t that just a silly way to do things. Makes a body spin, that’s what it does.
And these kids, they talk about pressin’ some button, F3 they call it, to see these numbers. F3? Back in my day, we used shovels and our own two eyes. And they see some “Chunk” thing with numbers next to it, but honestly I do not get it and if they equal 9, somethin’ about that X being right below ya. Sounds complicated. Too much thinkin’ for my old bones.
Finding the Treasure Without the “X”
- Look for Landmarks: They say the map shows ya some landmarks, like beaches and trees and such. So, I guess you gotta match up what you see on the map with what you see in the game. But my eyesight ain’t what it used to be, so good luck with that.
- Dig in Chunks: If you know about those chunks and coordinates, I reckon you can narrow down the search area. But remember, even then, it ain’t gonna be exact. You still gotta do some diggin’.
- Use Your Eyes: Sometimes, if you’re lucky, you might just stumble across the treasure. Maybe you’ll see somethin’ outta place, like a different color block or somethin’. But don’t hold your breath.
Now, some folks say this no “X” thing is a bug, a mistake in the game. Maybe so. But it sure makes things a whole lot harder. I mean, what’s the point of a treasure map if it don’t show ya where the treasure is? It’s like sendin’ someone to the store without a list and money. Makes no sense.
Why is this happening? Well, nobody knows for sure. Maybe it’s a glitch in the game, like when the chickens start flyin’ backwards. Or maybe it’s supposed to be a challenge, to make things harder. But like I said if they make it too hard, nobody’s gonna want to play this game . They’ll go back to somethin’ simpler, like checkers or somethin’.
What to do if the map has no “X”? Well, the kids say to check the game version, because sometimes an update can mess things up. And if it’s still broken, they say to report the bug. Report it? To who? The Mine-craft police? It all sounds like a bunch of hooey to me.

So, there ya have it. This Mine-craft treasure map thing without an “X”. It’s confusing, it’s frustrating, and it makes an old woman like me want to throw her hands up in the air and say, “Forget the treasure! Let’s go have some pie.” But that’s what those young’uns are doing now days. Always starrin’ at that screen. Maybe they should get outside and get some fresh air. That would do them some good.
In conclusion, finding that buried treasure without an “X” ain’t no easy task. You gotta be patient, you gotta be persistent, and you gotta have a whole lotta luck. And if you’re still lost, well, maybe just ask one of those young’uns for help. They seem to know all about this Mine-craft stuff. Just don’t expect me to understand it.
Tags: [minecraft, buried treasure, map, no x, bug, treasure map, java edition, bedrock edition, chunk, coordinates, game, guide]