Well, let me tell ya somethin’ about this Facebook thing. Folks always wonderin’ if someone can see if you searched them on that there Facebook. It’s like, you snoopin’ around, and you don’t want nobody to know, right?
Now, from what I hear, Facebook ain’t gonna tell nobody you went lookin’ for ’em. It ain’t like they send a message or nothin’, sayin’, “Hey, this ol’ gal was checkin’ you out!” Nah, it don’t work that way. They keep that kinda stuff private, see?

But, you know, some folks get all worked up thinkin’ maybe Facebook shows you as a “suggested friend” if you search ’em. Like, if you look at their page, Facebook says, “Hey, maybe you wanna be friends with this person?” But, from what I gather, that ain’t true neither. Just lookin’ at someone’s page don’t make you pop up as a friend suggestion. It’s more ’bout who your friends are and stuff like that.
- Facebook don’t tattle
- No suggested friend thing just from lookin’
- It’s all private, they say
Now, there’s all this talk ’bout “activity logs” and “search history.” Sounds fancy, but it’s just a place where Facebook keeps track of what you done been doin’ on there. You can see what you searched for, but that’s just for you. Nobody else can see your search history, unless they get a hold of your phone or somethin’, and that’s a whole ‘nother story.
And don’t even get me started on them “third-party apps.” You know, them things that ain’t Facebook but say they can do all sorts of stuff. Well, they can’t tell you who’s been searchin’ for you neither. Facebook keeps that info locked up tight, and them apps can’t get at it. So, don’t go believin’ everythin’ them apps tell ya. They’re just tryna get your money or somethin’.
Some folks say Google might tell someone you searched their name, but that’s a whole ‘nother can of worms. We talkin’ ‘bout Facebook here, and on Facebook, you’re pretty much safe to snoop around without folks knowin’. Unless, you know, you go and like somethin’ from five years ago, then they’ll know you been snoopin’ for sure! But just searchin’? Nah, you’re good.
And then there’s all this talk about Facebook keepin’ a record of who views each page. Well, maybe they do, maybe they don’t. But they ain’t sharin’ that with regular folks like you and me. It’s their little secret, I guess. So, don’t go worryin’ too much about it.
Heck, even if they did keep track, what’s the big deal? Anybody can search for you on Facebook if they got your name, long as you ain’t blocked ‘em. It’s like lookin’ someone up in the phone book, only it’s on that there computer thingy. So, if you’re worried about someone seein’ if you searched them, don’t be. Just go on and do your snoopin’. Just don’t go likin’ nothin’ you ain’t supposed to!
Anyways, that’s the long and short of it. Facebook ain’t gonna rat you out for searchin’ someone. You can poke around all you want, and nobody gonna be the wiser. Just don’t go doin’ nothin’ silly, like sendin’ a friend request to someone you just been spyin’ on! That’s just common sense, ain’t it?
So, there you have it. A whole bunch of nothin’ about somethin’ that folks worry about for no good reason. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I gotta go check on my chickens. Them hens are always gettin’ into somethin’.

Tags: Facebook Privacy, Facebook Search, Social Media Privacy, Online Privacy, Facebook Activity, Facebook Search History, Suggested Friends, Third-Party Apps, Facebook Profile Views.