Well, let’s chew the fat about this Roblox and Minecraft thing, which one’s older, you ask? I heard some young’uns jabberin’ about it the other day, so I went and did some pokin’ around.
Roblox, that thing, it started way back, like in 2003. Yep, them fellas, David Baszucki and Erik Cassel, they started cookin’ somethin’ up called GoBlocks. Sounds like somethin’ my grandkids would play with, buildin’ blocks and all. Then, in 2004, they changed the name to Roblox. Fancy, huh?

But it wasn’t like you could just jump in and play. Naw, they had this closed beta thing, whatever that means. Kept it secret for a while, I guess. Then, in 2006, they finally let everyone in. So, 2006 is the year you can say Roblox really started. They even had these first accounts, John Doe and Jane Doe. Sounds like they didn’t know what names to use, just picked any old name.
Now, Minecraft, that came later. It wasn’t until 2009 that folks could start playin’ it on their computers. See, Roblox got a head start, a whole three years! Roblox was out there while Minecraft was still just a twinkle in somebody’s eye.
- Roblox started in 2006.
- Minecraft started in 2009.
So, if you’re countin’ years, Roblox is the older one, plain and simple. Like me, it’s been around longer.
Minecraft, though, it took its sweet time. They started workin’ on it in 2009, and it really took off around 2011, that’s when it came out everywhere. So, even though it started later, it sure got popular fast.
Heck, I don’t really get these games. All this block buildin’ and such. Back in my day, we played outside, you know, with sticks and rocks. But these young’uns, they love this stuff. Always tappin’ away on their phones and computers.
But back to the question, is Roblox older than Minecraft? You bet your bottom dollar it is. Roblox saw the light of day first. Three whole years older. That’s a long time in kid years, I reckon.
Think of it like this: Roblox is the older brother, been around the block a few times. Minecraft’s the younger sibling, maybe a bit flashier, but still followin’ in the older brother’s footsteps. They both got their own thing goin’ on, though. Kids seem to like ’em both, so I guess that’s all that matters.
I even heard that Roblox had some focus group thing way back in 2006, where they asked folks what they thought. Guess they wanted to make sure they were doin’ things right. Smart, I guess. Even though I don’t understand this “processing user feedback” stuff, seems like they knew what they were doing from the get-go.

So there you have it. Roblox came first. It’s the granddaddy of these block games, even though it might not look like a granddaddy to them young’uns. It’s like me and my grandkids – I’ve been here longer, seen more, even if they don’t always listen to what I say. And that’s the long and short of it. Roblox is older. Now go on, get back to your games, you whippersnappers.
To sum it up: Roblox – 2006, Minecraft – 2009. No question about it. Roblox is the older fella.
And if anyone tells you different, well, they just don’t know what they’re talkin’ about. I’ve done my research, you see. Even an old lady like me can figure these things out with a little bit of pokin’ around.