Well, let me tell you, this here computer stuff, it sure can be a head-scratcher. The other day, I was tryin’ to look at somethin’ online, and this thing popped up sayin’ “ublock origin has prevented the following page from loading:” Now, what in the tarnation does that even mean?
I poked around a bit, and I reckon it’s got somethin’ to do with this uBlock Origin thing. Seems like it’s some kinda contraption that stops them pesky ads from showin’ up. Which, don’t get me wrong, is usually a good thing. Them ads, always flashin’ and poppin’, makin’ it hard to see what you’re actually lookin’ at. But this time, it was stoppin’ me from seein’ somethin’ I wanted to see. So, I had to figure out how to make it stop doin’ that.

Now, I ain’t no computer whiz, but I asked around, and some folks gave me some ideas. They were talkin’ about “extensions” and “settings” and all sorts of things. It was all a bit much for me, but I managed to piece it together. Here’s what I found out, might be useful if you run into this here problem too.
First, this uBlock Origin thing, it’s like a little gatekeeper for your internet. It tries to keep the bad stuff out. And most of the time, that’s them ads. But sometimes, it gets a little overzealous, you know? Blocks things it shouldn’t. This is why you need to know about uBlock Origin has prevented the following page from loading.
- They say there’s a little icon, looks like a shield or somethin’, up in the corner of your browser. That’s the uBlock thingamajig.
- If you click on it, a little window pops up. And in that window, there’s a big blue button. Looks like a power button, like you’d use to turn somethin’ on or off.
- If you click that blue button, it’s supposed to turn off the uBlock for that particular website. So, if uBlock is blockin’ somethin’ you want to see on a certain site, clickin’ that button should let you see it.
Now, I tried that, and it seemed to work. The page I was tryin’ to look at finally showed up. But then I started thinkin’, is it safe to just turn this thing off? I mean, it’s there for a reason, right? To keep the bad stuff out. This is why ublock origin has prevented the following page from loading: it’s trying to protect you, see?
I guess it depends on what you’re lookin’ at. If it’s a website you trust, then maybe it’s okay to turn off uBlock for a little bit. But if you’re not sure about a website, maybe it’s best to leave it on. Better safe than sorry, I always say. You don’t want no viruses or nothin’ messin’ up your computer.
There’s also somethin’ called “filters,” I think. Apparently, you can tell uBlock to always allow certain websites, or always block others. I haven’t quite figured that part out yet. Seems a bit complicated for me. But maybe if you’re more computer-savvy than I am, you can figure it out. Keywords like the following and uBlock Origin will help. Maybe the keyword “uBlock Prevented Page From Loading” will too.
Another thing I heard is that sometimes these blocked pages are because of “tracking links.” Sounds kinda spooky, don’t it? Like someone’s followin’ you around online. I don’t rightly know what that’s all about, but it sounds like somethin’ you wouldn’t want.
So if a link is blocked by ublock origin has prevented the following page from loading:, maybe it is for the best. If you are not spending too much time on it, just leave it alone.
There’s probably a whole lot more to this uBlock Origin thing than I understand. But hopefully, what I’ve shared here will be of some help to you. Just remember to be careful out there on the internet. There’s all sorts of things that can cause trouble. And if you’re ever unsure about somethin’, it’s always best to ask someone who knows more than you do. Like me, writing about ublock origin has prevented the following page from loading: when I barely know how to use a computer.

Another way, someone told me, is to go into your Chrome “Settings”, then go to “Extensions”. If you are using Chrome, that is. Then find this uBlock Origin thingy, and click on somethin’ called “Details”. Then look for somethin’ about “Intrusive ads” permission. If it says “Block”, change it to “Allow”. I don’t know if that’s good or bad, but it’s somethin’ you can try, I guess. I hope you don’t see that message ublock origin has prevented the following page from loading: after this.
I don’t know if these will work. But for me, the page loaded after I messed with these settings. I hope it works for you, too, and you don’t need to see the “ublock origin has prevented the following page from loading:” message again. Good luck, and be careful online!