Author name: klopma

Best Kodi Addons for TV Shows in 2024: Top Picks for Unlimited Streaming

Well now, if you’re lookin’ to watch some good ol’ TV shows on Kodi, you’ve come to the right place, dearie. Kodi’s a mighty fine thing for watchin’ all sorts of shows, and with the right addons, you can have yourself a whole bunch of entertainment at your fingertips. Now, I ain’t no expert, but

Simple Ways to Get Rid of Maybe in iPhone Contact Names

Simple Ways to Get Rid of Maybe in iPhone Contact Names

Well, you know, sometimes when you’re using your phone, you might notice a little word in front of someone’s name in your contacts or messages. That word is “Maybe.” It pops up and you might wonder, what in the world does that mean? Is it something to do with your contacts or something your phone’s

How to Set Up RetroArch N64 Emulator for Perfect Gaming Experience

Ah, you wanna play them ol’ N64 games, do ya? Well, you’re in the right place. You know, back in my day, we didn’t have all these fancy tools and gadgets to make gaming easy. But now, if you wanna play them Nintendo 64 games on your computer or even on your phone, there’s this

Combine RetroPie and Kodi for Ultimate Retro Gaming and Streaming Experience

Well, if ya got yerself a Raspberry Pi and wanna turn it into somethin’ real fancy, like watchin’ movies and playin’ games all in one go, then you might be lookin’ at somethin’ called RetroPie and Kodi. Now, RetroPie is a nifty little thing that lets ya play all them old games from the past—stuff

Can You Redline in Google Docs? Heres How to Do It

Well, let me tell ya, Google Docs is a mighty handy thing for folks who need to get their work done, especially when you gotta work with others on a document. Now, one thing that people sometimes get confused about is whether you can “redline” in Google Docs. You know, that fancy way folks mark

Download PS3 Game ISOs: Free & Fast PS3 ROMs Collection

Download PS3 Game ISOs: Free & Fast PS3 ROMs Collection

Well, ya know, PS3 game ISO is somethin’ a lot of folks are lookin’ for these days. If you’ve got yourself a PS3 or even an emulator on your computer, you might be searchin’ for a good ol’ PS3 ISO to play your favorite games. Now, let me tell ya, there’s a whole bunch of

Thunderbolt 2 vs USB 3: Which Offers Faster Data Transfer?

Now, if you ask me about USB 3 and Thunderbolt 2, let me tell you somethin’. I ain’t no techie, but I know enough to get by. You see, both of ’em are what we call “data transfer” ports, which means they let you send stuff from one device to another. But there’s a big

Troubleshooting RetroArch Crashes During Xbox Scan Process

Troubleshooting RetroArch Crashes During Xbox Scan Process

Well now, let me tell you about this trouble folks been havin’ with RetroArch when it crashes while tryin’ to scan Xbox directories. You know, there’s plenty of people out there tryna run a scan for their playlists, load up their games, and just have a good ol’ time, but this thing keeps actin’ up

How to Fix An Unrecoverable IOException Occurred Error in VMware

How to Fix An Unrecoverable IOException Occurred Error in VMware

Well, now, I tell ya, there ain’t nothin’ more frustratin’ than sittin’ down to work on your computer, and suddenly, this nasty thing pops up sayin’ “an unrecoverable IO exception occurred in VMware.” Now, I ain’t no tech expert, but I reckon we can try fixin’ this mess together. First thing, let’s talk about what