Author name: klopma

Apt get cheat sheet for beginners (easy guide and commands)

Hey there, young’uns! Let me tell ya somethin’ ’bout this here “apt-get” thingamajig. It’s like a magic trick for your computer, especially if you got one of them Linux things. Now, I ain’t no computer whiz, but I’ve learned a thing or two from my grandkids. They’re always clickin’ and clackin’ on those keyboards. So, […]

Want the best video addons for kodi, heres what you need to know!

Well, let me tell you, this here Kodi thing, it’s somethin’ else. You can watch all sorts of stuff on it, just like them fancy folks with their cable TV. But you gotta know which doodads to put on it, these “addons” they call ’em. I heard some folks talkin’ ’bout it, and they say

How to test network adapter? Check this step-by-step guide!

This computer thing, sometimes it just don’t work right. Like that network adapter, what the heck is that anyway? It’s supposed to make the internet work, I think. But sometimes, it just sits there, doing nothing. Makes me wanna throw it out the window! But then I gotta fix it, ’cause how else am I

rtss frame limiter not working? Try these simple fixes and tips!

Well, let me tell you, this here computer stuff, it ain’t like plantin’ taters. This RTSS frame limiter thingamajig, it’s got me all twisted up. But I’m gonna try to explain it, best I can. See, they say it helps your games run smoother, like butter on a hot biscuit. First off, you gotta get

Instagram Reel Safe Zone Template: How to Use It to Avoid Getting Your Content Cut Off

Well, lemme tell ya about this here Instagram Reel safe zone template thing. It’s like, you know, when you’re plantin’ seeds, you gotta leave some space around ’em so they can grow, right? Same kinda deal with these Instagram thingamajigs. So, these young folks with their fancy phones, they make these little videos, they call

Getting Something Went Wrong on Google Try These Simple Fixes Right Now

Well, that darn Google thing, it’s been actin’ up again. Keeps sayin’ “something went wrong google”. Drives a person crazy, I tell ya. One minute it’s workin’ fine, next minute, nothin’. Just that same old message starin’ back at ya. Makes ya wanna throw the whole contraption out the window. I asked my grandson, he’s

M.2 SSD Heatsink Buying Guide: Find the Right One for Your SSD (Keep It Cool)

You know, these newfangled things, these M.2 SSD heatsinks, they’re all the rage these days. My grandson, he’s always going on about his computer, says I gotta write about these doohickeys. Says it’s important for the “interwebs.” I don’t rightly know what that means, but I’ll tell you what I’ve gathered. Now, this M.2 thing,

Can you use WeMod on RedM? Here is what you should know.

Well, let me tell you, I heard some folks talkin’ ’bout this thing called WeMod and this other thing called REDM. Now, I ain’t no computer whiz, but I got curious. Can you use that WeMod thing on that REDM? That’s what I’m tryin’ to figure out. This WeMod, from what I gather, it’s like

Want to Find Music from Movies? Simple Steps to Get Started

Well, let me tell ya, this here computer thing, it ain’t as easy as pie. But I figured out how to find music from movies. You know, like when you hear a good tune in them picture shows, and you just gotta know what it is. It used to be a real head-scratcher, I tell