Author name: klopma

Looking for FreeNAS Alternatives? Check out These Great Options

Well, hey there, y’all! Let’s talk about this… uh… “freenas alternatives” thing. I ain’t no fancy computer person, mind you, but I know a thing or two about gettin’ stuff done without spendin’ a whole lot of money. My old man always said, “If you can do it yourself, and save a penny, then you […]

Beginners Guide: Auto Select Channel on U-NII-4 Band

Well, let me tell you about this here auto select channel thingy, including that U-NII-4 band. Don’t you go frettin’ if you don’t know what that is, I’ll try to make it plain as day. You see, these days, everything’s wireless. Your phone, your TV, even your dang refrigerator probably wants Wi-Fi. And all this

Why is My Ubuntu Terminal Lagging? Easy Solutions Here

Well, howdy there! Let’s talk about this here “ubuntu terminal lag” thing. You know, when that there computer screen thingy just sits there, thinkin’ real slow-like? Drives ya nuts, don’t it? First off, sometimes it’s just too much stuff startin’ up all at once. Like, you got a million things openin’ when you turn on

Wmpnetwk.exe High CPU Usage? Easy Ways to Solve It.

Alright, let’s talk about this thing. Sounds fancy, huh? But it ain’t nothin’ but trouble, I tell ya. My computer, she started acting up somethin’ fierce, slow as molasses in January. And this *, that’s what the young’uns told me was the culprit. So, what is it? Well, from what I gather, it’s got somethin’

4060 Ti vs PS5: Price, Performance, and Which to Pick

Alright, listen up, y’all. We’re gonna talk about this here 4060 Ti and that PlayStation 5, or whatever them young’uns call it, the “PS5.” Folks keep jabberin’ about which one’s better, like it’s some kinda cockfight. Now, I ain’t no fancy computer whiz, but I got eyes and ears. And I hear tell this 4060

Using PowerShell to Remove User Profile: A Step by Step Guide

Alright, let’s talk about gettin’ rid of them user thingies on your computer, you know, the profiles. Folks call it “remove user profile powershell,” sounds fancy, but it ain’t that hard. First off, you gotta open that PowerShell thingy. It’s like a secret door to your computer’s insides, but don’t you worry none. Just click

Best P C Alternative Crossword Puzzles to Play Now

Well, howdy there! Let’s gab a bit about them brain teasers, you know, the kind that ain’t just for them city slickers. We ain’t talkin’ ’bout no fancy-schmancy stuff, just good ol’ fashioned word puzzles, kinda like them crosswords, but maybe a bit… different. You see, sometimes them crosswords, they get a bit… much. Too

Quickly Compare Alternatives Using a What-If Analysis Tool

Well now, let me tell ya, this here “what-if” thing, it’s like lookin’ at different ways things could go. Ya know, like if I plant more corn, will I get more money? Or if I sell my chickens, will I have enough eggs for breakfast? It’s all about figurin’ stuff out before ya actually do

A Simple Guide: How to Move Photos from Google Photos to Amazon Photos

Well, howdy there! You wanna move them picture things from that Google thingy to that Amazon picture spot, huh? It ain’t rocket science, I tell ya. Even this old gal can figure it out, so you sure can too. First off, you gotta get yourself on that there computer thing. You know, the one with

How to Use Video Indir for Quick Downloads

Well, hello there! So, you wanna learn about gettin’ them videos from *, huh? It ain’t rocket science, let me tell ya. It’s like pickin’ ripe tomatoes, gotta know the right way to do it. First off, this here *, they got all sorts of videos, right? And sometimes, you just wanna keep ’em, show