Author name: klopma

My Video Card Isnt Working! What Should I Do First?

Listen up, y’all, got a problem with this here video thingy, the card ain’t workin’ no more. Don’t know what them fancy folks call it, video card, graphics somethin’ or other, just know my screen’s black as night. First thing’s first, that little box with the lights, the computer, it turns on but nothin’ shows […]

Easy Steps: How to Add Your Game to AMD Radeon Software

Alright, listen up, y’all. Gonna tell ya how to get them games runnin’ right on that there AMD Radeon thingamajig. Don’t you worry none, it ain’t rocket science. Even this old gal figured it out, so you can too. We gonna make sure them games ain’t all choppy and lookin’ like a dog’s breakfast. First

IG Active Status Accuracy: What You Should Really Know

Alright, let’s gab a bit about this Instagram thingy, the “active status,” you know? Folks keep askin’ if it’s on the up and up, so let’s get down to it. What’s This “Active Now” Fuss All About? So, Instagram, that picture app the young’uns are always glued to, it’s got this thing called “Active Now.”

Stuck on the computer key above caps lock? Heres a quick guide.

Well, howdy there, y’all! Let’s talk about that there button on the computer thingamajig, you know, the one right above that “Caps Lock” fella. Folks call it the “tilde” key, or sometimes the “grave accent” key, but honestly, I ain’t got a clue why they named it them fancy names. What’s That Squiggly Line Key

Switching from RetroArch? Explore These Alternative Emulators

Well, howdy there, y’all! Let’s talk about them… whatchamacallits… retro-thingies. You know, them game players for old-timey games. My young’uns told me there’s this thing called “RetroArch,” but seems like there’s more than just that one. So, let’s jaw about some other choices, or what them smarty-pants folks call “alternatives.” This ain’t gonna be no

Where to Find Your Dr J Professional Projector Manual Online?

Alright, let’s talk about this Dr. J professional projector thing, you know, the one they say makes big pictures. I ain’t no fancy tech person, but I can tell you what’s what, plain and simple. First off, they call it “professional,” but don’t let that scare you. It ain’t rocket science. It’s just a box

USB LED Lights: Simple Ways to Light Up Your Life

Hey there, y’all! Let’s yak about somethin’ called USB LED lights. Now, I ain’t no fancy tech person, but I do know a thing or two ’bout makin’ things bright and shiny. What are these USB LED thingamajigs? Well, from what I gather, these USB LED lights are little lights, ya see? They ain’t like

Resource Monitor vs Performance Monitor: Whats the Real Difference?

Well, let me tell ya, this here computer stuff, it ain’t easy for an old gal like me. But I heard folks talkin’ ’bout Resource Monitor and Performance Monitor, and it got me thinkin’. Sounds fancy, but what does it all mean, right? So I poked around a bit, asked some young’uns, and here’s what

How to Select and Download Multiple Files from a Website? Easy Guide Here!

Well, howdy there, y’all! Today, we’re gonna talk about somethin’ kinda tricky, you know, like pickin’ and grabbin’ a whole bunch of them there files from a website. It ain’t always as easy as pickin’ apples, that’s for sure, but we’ll get through it together, don’t you worry none. First off, you gotta find them

Dont Skip This! Change Your Crafty Default Username and Password

Alright, let’s talk about this “crafty default username and password” thing. I ain’t no fancy computer person, ya know? I just use ’em like I use my old tractor – gotta get the job done, simple as that. Now, I hear some folks are still usin’ “crafty” as their password. That’s like leavin’ your barn